Welcome to Laura Dreyer Astrology! Astrology, which is an ancient Greek word combining the words Astro and Logos can be traced historically to ancient times, when man lived in a world that was dominated by his relationship with nature, which also determined the survival of our species. Humans depended on celestial guidance for navigation, farming, and to perhaps help them find higher meaning in their lives. By observing the moon’s phases, humans were able to develop early calendars and methods of mapping the passage of time. According to Wikipedia, By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented their temples to create alignment with the heliacal risings of the stars Kelley and Milone (2005) p.268. Some people suggest that the knowledge of how to use what we now call Astrology was brought to our planet by highly evolved civilizations from other realms.In one form or another, Astrology flourished in Babylonia, Egypt, India, Central America, China, and the Middle East. Further on, Astrology took hold in Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and eventually found it’s way to the United States in the late 1800s. Throughout the millennia, astrological methodology and application have developed into a broad spectrum which has many branches and applications. Just to name a few, there’s Mundane Astrology (The study of world events), Medical Astrology, Horary Astrology (Where a chart is cast to answer a specific question), Vedic Astrology (Also called Hindu Astrology), AstroCartoGraphy, Chinese Astrology, Electional Astrology, Uranian Astrology, and many more. For the person who may only have a basic knowledge of their Sun Sign, these many areas can seem a bit daunting. Even among experienced astrologers, there are few if any who have mastered all of the known aspects of this field. If you are interested in having your chart interpreted by an astrologer, it’s a good idea to start with a natal chart reading, and to supplement this with some basic study on the side. That way, when you have a chart read, you will be able to follow along and understand on a deeper level. Regardless, a good astrologer will be able to communicate the necessary information even if you know absolutely nothing. I feel that it's important to have an idea about what you hope to gain from having a reading done. This will also help the astrologer decide on which methods best suit a particular situation. Readings can be psychological, practical, predictive, spiritual, and sometimes very cathartic. It's a very personal experience for everybody. I consider myself a Western Astrologer, which is largely the most common form of Astrology practiced in Western countries. Many claim that Astrology is a “science” although scientists argue that Astrology is a “pseudo-science.” With so many different methods, opinions, and interpretations, it's difficult to categorize "Astrology" into one neat little box. I try to apply a scientific approach to my readings, but must admit that intuition also plays a large role. Often after studying client's chart, information begins to flow into my brain,and as I meditate on it, many connections and insights come to me. Ultimately, my aim is to accurately read a chart and offer insight and advice that has a real astrological basis that rings true in one’s life. My study of astrology is constantly evolving, just as society’s beliefs are morphing and growing. Every person is an individual, and a good astrologer can take into consideration a myriad of circumstances and social conditions, combine them with solid knowledge and a keen sense of perception when interpreting a chart of any kind. Works Cited: Kelley, David, H. and Milone, E.F., 2005. Exploring ancient skies: an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy. Heidelberg / New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95310-6
Welcome to Laura Dreyer Astrology! Astrology, which is an ancient Greek word combining the words Astro and Logos can be traced historically to ancient times, when man lived in a world that was dominated by his relationship with nature, which also determined the survival of our species. Humans depended on celestial guidance for navigation, farming, and to perhaps help them find higher meaning in their lives. By observing the moon’s phases, humans were able to develop early calendars and methods of mapping the passage of time. According to Wikipedia, By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented their temples to create alignment with the heliacal risings of the stars Kelley and Milone (2005) p.268. Some people suggest that the knowledge of how to use what we now call Astrology was brought to our planet by highly evolved civilizations from other realms.In one form or another, Astrology flourished in Babylonia, Egypt, India, Central America, China, and the Middle East. Further on, Astrology took hold in Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and eventually found it’s way to the United States in the late 1800s. Throughout the millennia, astrological methodology and application have developed into a broad spectrum which has many branches and applications. Just to name a few, there’s Mundane Astrology (The study of world events), Medical Astrology, Horary Astrology (Where a chart is cast to answer a specific question), Vedic Astrology (Also called Hindu Astrology), AstroCartoGraphy, Chinese Astrology, Electional Astrology, Uranian Astrology, and many more. For the person who may only have a basic knowledge of their Sun Sign, these many areas can seem a bit daunting. Even among experienced astrologers, there are few if any who have mastered all of the known aspects of this field. If you are interested in having your chart interpreted by an astrologer, it’s a good idea to start with a natal chart reading, and to supplement this with some basic study on the side. That way, when you have a chart read, you will be able to follow along and understand on a deeper level. Regardless, a good astrologer will be able to communicate the necessary information even if you know absolutely nothing. I feel that it's important to have an idea about what you hope to gain from having a reading done. This will also help the astrologer decide on which methods best suit a particular situation. Readings can be psychological, practical, predictive, spiritual, and sometimes very cathartic. It's a very personal experience for everybody. I consider myself a Western Astrologer, which is largely the most common form of Astrology practiced in Western countries. Many claim that Astrology is a “science” although scientists argue that Astrology is a “pseudo-science.” With so many different methods, opinions, and interpretations, it's difficult to categorize "Astrology" into one neat little box. I try to apply a scientific approach to my readings, but must admit that intuition also plays a large role. Often after studying client's chart, information begins to flow into my brain,and as I meditate on it, many connections and insights come to me. Ultimately, my aim is to accurately read a chart and offer insight and advice that has a real astrological basis that rings true in one’s life. My study of astrology is constantly evolving, just as society’s beliefs are morphing and growing. Every person is an individual, and a good astrologer can take into consideration a myriad of circumstances and social conditions, combine them with solid knowledge and a keen sense of perception when interpreting a chart of any kind. Works Cited: Kelley, David, H. and Milone, E.F., 2005. Exploring ancient skies: an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy. Heidelberg / New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95310-6
Welcome to Laura Dreyer Astrology! Astrology, which is an ancient Greek word combining the words Astro and Logos can be traced historically to ancient times, when man lived in a world that was dominated by his relationship with nature, which also determined the survival of our species. Humans depended on celestial guidance for navigation, farming, and to perhaps help them find higher meaning in their lives. By observing the moon’s phases, humans were able to develop early calendars and methods of mapping the passage of time. According to Wikipedia, By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented their temples to create alignment with the heliacal risings of the stars Kelley and Milone (2005) p.268. Some people suggest that the knowledge of how to use what we now call Astrology was brought to our planet by highly evolved civilizations from other realms.In one form or another, Astrology flourished in Babylonia, Egypt, India, Central America, China, and the Middle East. Further on, Astrology took hold in Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and eventually found it’s way to the United States in the late 1800s. Throughout the millennia, astrological methodology and application have developed into a broad spectrum which has many branches and applications. Just to name a few, there’s Mundane Astrology (The study of world events), Medical Astrology, Horary Astrology (Where a chart is cast to answer a specific question), Vedic Astrology (Also called Hindu Astrology), AstroCartoGraphy, Chinese Astrology, Electional Astrology, Uranian Astrology, and many more. For the person who may only have a basic knowledge of their Sun Sign, these many areas can seem a bit daunting. Even among experienced astrologers, there are few if any who have mastered all of the known aspects of this field. If you are interested in having your chart interpreted by an astrologer, it’s a good idea to start with a natal chart reading, and to supplement this with some basic study on the side. That way, when you have a chart read, you will be able to follow along and understand on a deeper level. Regardless, a good astrologer will be able to communicate the necessary information even if you know absolutely nothing. I feel that it's important to have an idea about what you hope to gain from having a reading done. This will also help the astrologer decide on which methods best suit a particular situation. Readings can be psychological, practical, predictive, spiritual, and sometimes very cathartic. It's a very personal experience for everybody. I consider myself a Western Astrologer, which is largely the most common form of Astrology practiced in Western countries. Many claim that Astrology is a “science” although scientists argue that Astrology is a “pseudo-science.” With so many different methods, opinions, and interpretations, it's difficult to categorize "Astrology" into one neat little box. I try to apply a scientific approach to my readings, but must admit that intuition also plays a large role. Often after studying client's chart, information begins to flow into my brain,and as I meditate on it, many connections and insights come to me. Ultimately, my aim is to accurately read a chart and offer insight and advice that has a real astrological basis that rings true in one’s life. My study of astrology is constantly evolving, just as society’s beliefs are morphing and growing. Every person is an individual, and a good astrologer can take into consideration a myriad of circumstances and social conditions, combine them with solid knowledge and a keen sense of perception when interpreting a chart of any kind. Works Cited: Kelley, David, H. and Milone, E.F., 2005. Exploring ancient skies: an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy. Heidelberg / New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95310-6
Welcome to Laura Dreyer Astrology! Astrology, which is an ancient Greek word combining the words Astro and Logos can be traced historically to ancient times, when man lived in a world that was dominated by his relationship with nature, which also determined the survival of our species. Humans depended on celestial guidance for navigation, farming, and to perhaps help them find higher meaning in their lives. By observing the moon’s phases, humans were able to develop early calendars and methods of mapping the passage of time. According to Wikipedia, By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented their temples to create alignment with the heliacal risings of the stars Kelley and Milone (2005) p.268. Some people suggest that the knowledge of how to use what we now call Astrology was brought to our planet by highly evolved civilizations from other realms.In one form or another, Astrology flourished in Babylonia, Egypt, India, Central America, China, and the Middle East. Further on, Astrology took hold in Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and eventually found it’s way to the United States in the late 1800s. Throughout the millennia, astrological methodology and application have developed into a broad spectrum which has many branches and applications. Just to name a few, there’s Mundane Astrology (The study of world events), Medical Astrology, Horary Astrology (Where a chart is cast to answer a specific question), Vedic Astrology (Also called Hindu Astrology), AstroCartoGraphy, Chinese Astrology, Electional Astrology, Uranian Astrology, and many more. For the person who may only have a basic knowledge of their Sun Sign, these many areas can seem a bit daunting. Even among experienced astrologers, there are few if any who have mastered all of the known aspects of this field. If you are interested in having your chart interpreted by an astrologer, it’s a good idea to start with a natal chart reading, and to supplement this with some basic study on the side. That way, when you have a chart read, you will be able to follow along and understand on a deeper level. Regardless, a good astrologer will be able to communicate the necessary information even if you know absolutely nothing. I feel that it's important to have an idea about what you hope to gain from having a reading done. This will also help the astrologer decide on which methods best suit a particular situation. Readings can be psychological, practical, predictive, spiritual, and sometimes very cathartic. It's a very personal experience for everybody. I consider myself a Western Astrologer, which is largely the most common form of Astrology practiced in Western countries. Many claim that Astrology is a “science” although scientists argue that Astrology is a “pseudo-science.” With so many different methods, opinions, and interpretations, it's difficult to categorize "Astrology" into one neat little box. I try to apply a scientific approach to my readings, but must admit that intuition also plays a large role. Often after studying client's chart, information begins to flow into my brain,and as I meditate on it, many connections and insights come to me. Ultimately, my aim is to accurately read a chart and offer insight and advice that has a real astrological basis that rings true in one’s life. My study of astrology is constantly evolving, just as society’s beliefs are morphing and growing. Every person is an individual, and a good astrologer can take into consideration a myriad of circumstances and social conditions, combine them with solid knowledge and a keen sense of perception when interpreting a chart of any kind. Works Cited: Kelley, David, H. and Milone, E.F., 2005. Exploring ancient skies: an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy. Heidelberg / New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95310-6
Welcome to Laura Dreyer Astrology! Astrology, which is an ancient Greek word combining the words Astro and Logos can be traced historically to ancient times, when man lived in a world that was dominated by his relationship with nature, which also determined the survival of our species. Humans depended on celestial guidance for navigation, farming, and to perhaps help them find higher meaning in their lives. By observing the moon’s phases, humans were able to develop early calendars and methods of mapping the passage of time. According to Wikipedia, By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented their temples to create alignment with the heliacal risings of the stars Kelley and Milone (2005) p.268. Some people suggest that the knowledge of how to use what we now call Astrology was brought to our planet by highly evolved civilizations from other realms.In one form or another, Astrology flourished in Babylonia, Egypt, India, Central America, China, and the Middle East. Further on, Astrology took hold in Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and eventually found it’s way to the United States in the late 1800s. Throughout the millennia, astrological methodology and application have developed into a broad spectrum which has many branches and applications. Just to name a few, there’s Mundane Astrology (The study of world events), Medical Astrology, Horary Astrology (Where a chart is cast to answer a specific question), Vedic Astrology (Also called Hindu Astrology), AstroCartoGraphy, Chinese Astrology, Electional Astrology, Uranian Astrology, and many more. For the person who may only have a basic knowledge of their Sun Sign, these many areas can seem a bit daunting. Even among experienced astrologers, there are few if any who have mastered all of the known aspects of this field. If you are interested in having your chart interpreted by an astrologer, it’s a good idea to start with a natal chart reading, and to supplement this with some basic study on the side. That way, when you have a chart read, you will be able to follow along and understand on a deeper level. Regardless, a good astrologer will be able to communicate the necessary information even if you know absolutely nothing. I feel that it's important to have an idea about what you hope to gain from having a reading done. This will also help the astrologer decide on which methods best suit a particular situation. Readings can be psychological, practical, predictive, spiritual, and sometimes very cathartic. It's a very personal experience for everybody. I consider myself a Western Astrologer, which is largely the most common form of Astrology practiced in Western countries. Many claim that Astrology is a “science” although scientists argue that Astrology is a “pseudo-science.” With so many different methods, opinions, and interpretations, it's difficult to categorize "Astrology" into one neat little box. I try to apply a scientific approach to my readings, but must admit that intuition also plays a large role. Often after studying client's chart, information begins to flow into my brain,and as I meditate on it, many connections and insights come to me. Ultimately, my aim is to accurately read a chart and offer insight and advice that has a real astrological basis that rings true in one’s life. My study of astrology is constantly evolving, just as society’s beliefs are morphing and growing. Every person is an individual, and a good astrologer can take into consideration a myriad of circumstances and social conditions, combine them with solid knowledge and a keen sense of perception when interpreting a chart of any kind. Works Cited: Kelley, David, H. and Milone, E.F., 2005. Exploring ancient skies: an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy. Heidelberg / New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95310-6
Welcome to Laura Dreyer Astrology! Astrology, which is an ancient Greek word combining the words Astro and Logos can be traced historically to ancient times, when man lived in a world that was dominated by his relationship with nature, which also determined the survival of our species. Humans depended on celestial guidance for navigation, farming, and to perhaps help them find higher meaning in their lives. By observing the moon’s phases, humans were able to develop early calendars and methods of mapping the passage of time. According to Wikipedia, By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented their temples to create alignment with the heliacal risings of the stars Kelley and Milone (2005) p.268. Some people suggest that the knowledge of how to use what we now call Astrology was brought to our planet by highly evolved civilizations from other realms.In one form or another, Astrology flourished in Babylonia, Egypt, India, Central America, China, and the Middle East. Further on, Astrology took hold in Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and eventually found it’s way to the United States in the late 1800s. Throughout the millennia, astrological methodology and application have developed into a broad spectrum which has many branches and applications. Just to name a few, there’s Mundane Astrology (The study of world events), Medical Astrology, Horary Astrology (Where a chart is cast to answer a specific question), Vedic Astrology (Also called Hindu Astrology), AstroCartoGraphy, Chinese Astrology, Electional Astrology, Uranian Astrology, and many more. For the person who may only have a basic knowledge of their Sun Sign, these many areas can seem a bit daunting. Even among experienced astrologers, there are few if any who have mastered all of the known aspects of this field. If you are interested in having your chart interpreted by an astrologer, it’s a good idea to start with a natal chart reading, and to supplement this with some basic study on the side. That way, when you have a chart read, you will be able to follow along and understand on a deeper level. Regardless, a good astrologer will be able to communicate the necessary information even if you know absolutely nothing. I feel that it's important to have an idea about what you hope to gain from having a reading done. This will also help the astrologer decide on which methods best suit a particular situation. Readings can be psychological, practical, predictive, spiritual, and sometimes very cathartic. It's a very personal experience for everybody. I consider myself a Western Astrologer, which is largely the most common form of Astrology practiced in Western countries. Many claim that Astrology is a “science” although scientists argue that Astrology is a “pseudo-science.” With so many different methods, opinions, and interpretations, it's difficult to categorize "Astrology" into one neat little box. I try to apply a scientific approach to my readings, but must admit that intuition also plays a large role. Often after studying client's chart, information begins to flow into my brain,and as I meditate on it, many connections and insights come to me. Ultimately, my aim is to accurately read a chart and offer insight and advice that has a real astrological basis that rings true in one’s life. My study of astrology is constantly evolving, just as society’s beliefs are morphing and growing. Every person is an individual, and a good astrologer can take into consideration a myriad of circumstances and social conditions, combine them with solid knowledge and a keen sense of perception when interpreting a chart of any kind. Works Cited: Kelley, David, H. and Milone, E.F., 2005. Exploring ancient skies: an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy. Heidelberg / New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95310-6